Nav Involvement (cont'n)

5. I describe my involvement (giving or/and actual ministry) with the Navs as
a Continuous and I am staying in a ministry area (Places where there is an ongoing Nav ministry) 6 22.2%
b. Continuous even if I stay out of a ministry area 10 37.0%
c Only when I am in a ministry area, but not involve if I’m out of ministry area. 0 0.0%
d. not involve even If am within a ministry area 1 3.7%
e not involve and I am out of ministry area 7 25.9%
f I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 3 11.1%
Votes so far 27 100.0%
6. Did anyone of the Phil Nav staff, Nav contact or Nav alumni communicate to you when you went somewhere ?
a. Yes, frequently 9 36.0%
b. Yes, but rarely 9 36.0%
c. None at all, only through this egroup. 6 24.0%
d. I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 1 4.0%
Votes so far 25 100.0%
7. My present connection with the Navs is mainly because
a. I am never disconnected with the Navs 12 48.0%
b. I connected back through my personal efforts. 4 16.0%
c. a Staff take efforts to connect me back 2 8.0%
d. another alumni take effort to connect me back 5 20.0%
e I do not know how I got connected to the Navs again 2 8.0%
Votes so far 25 100.0%
8 How do you rate your present ministry involvement with the PhilNavs in terms of support and/or actual ministry work.
a 70-100% is related with the Navs 8 30.8%
b. 50-70% is related with the Navs 2 7.7%
c. 30-50% is related with the Navs 5 19.2%
d. 10-30% is related with the Navs 5 19.2%
e. 0-10% is related with the Navs 4 15.4%
f. I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 2 7.7%
Votes so far 26 100.0%
9 With your past and present involvement with the Navs, do you consider yourself as a Navigator?
a. Yes 22 84.6%
b. No 3 11.5%
c. I don’t know 0 0.0%
d I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 1 3.8%
Votes so far 26 100.0%


You can read it from the bottom up.

Friday, April 3, 2009

How about pursuing a healthy, financially sustainable project

Dear oxy,
I just love having you as my could be a distant relative or an identical twin but sure I need you for a reason.hehe You know me very well through these exchanges, but I don't know your real identity, so let it be:)
I thought of asking for second membership to be identified as Nitro Genius, but my thoughts are far off to warrant as such and in fact, they are at the other side of the spectrum.
Here are my worthless thoughts, again. Please, bear with me..
The survey that was done is just one of the tools. The respondents don't have to know the real reason, purpose or hidden agenda but everybody had an idea of why it was done. It took only few minutes to answer that survey. Was it really too much of our time? The framers spent a lot of time and effort to make it and they did it with all good intentions for a reason. To R.G. and all who helped, thank you very much!! God bless you!!
BTW, few months ago, I was asked to respond a survey that requires at least a good hour to answer all the questions. I thought I just did it to express my opinion for, but after I finished answering the questions, I felt I just did a thorough inventory of not only my being a believer but as a person. Not bad at all for an hour+ spent:) in fact, I was blessed!
I thought doing a survey (anonymous) is a good thing because there are some of us I found out, who are just like you, afraid to be misunderstood but have great ideas and valid concerns. There is also a risk of being sneered upon when you tend to think outside the box. So, that is the safe way of drawing people's ideas. Remember? Only a few (Au, Ai and Lani) said something openly.
You are so right about the interpretation of the results and the guidelines/validity of a good survey/research.
But, are we trying to be legalistic here?? or are we trying to help in whatever way we could approach the problem? Just as we are to be careful in making judgment and conclusion of the survey, aren't we suppose to cover all the parties involved in the scenario? Don't we need to challenge parts of the status quo that may be contributors to the issue?
So, here we a form of questions..awat ko nimo..
What is the role of the leadership??
What is the role of the staffs??
What is the role of the alumni? the students? the donors/partners?
Yes, we need to challenge the alumni to take more active role and support. But, aren't we going to address the issue why we are not very good in giving as what R.G. mentioned? or what prevent us from being so? How do we know of each one's views if they are just like you.. afraid to be misunderstood or afraid to risk their own identity? Don't we have the responsibility to minister to them first before we reach out to others?
Through this, I could see why being prayer partners and have a deeper interpersonal relationship are important.
Kanang survey is intended for those who are curious (heheh) and for the staff and leadership to look at and interpret the way they want to. They should not negate the minority votes cause they could be critical to leading and serving with utmost sensitivity and considerations. Pero, as requested nimo oxy, morag gana na jud na si Rene ug Venric mo-interpret at their own risk!
Also, in how God allow things to happen beyond everybody's logic.. and for events to happen in an extraordinary way.. surely, there are some exceptions beyond our comprehension! As somebody always says..Only God knows!
oops, oxy, ato ra think this could also be something for Bobot?:)) heheh joke ra ni ha..
I am watching Pres. Obama's answer to the G-20 press conference here at this very caught my attention.. he just mentioned the common sense aspect:) in approaching the economic crisis. then he went on.. I will be judged in my effectiveness of my leadership.. then he went on.. he also mistrust polls..heheh (this reminds me of using polls if it is in your advantage and not trust it when it is not in your favor hahah) then he is forcing partnership. . bingo if this is really what we want:)) then he went on..whatever is easier negotiation. . on terrorism and poverty tied in huh? how about his word "sustainable" ??
Well, just got sidetracked here.. heheh
That is my take of the survey, I will leave the rest to others and
Just because miracles we have to wait when something comes up to solve some systemic problem?
Didn't God give us logic? or common sense? How about common goal?? How about pursuing a healthy, financially sustainable project where everybody can contribute by using our God-given unique gifts while improving/deepening our interpersonal relationships? This would mean identifying those who have the gift of leadership and those knowledgeable in business/investment to take lead in the business venture and in your make a good business case. NA.. buhat na pud ta ani ug another survey ha??heheh or have a session in identifying our top 3 spiritual gifts:)
well, taas na man pud ni..
Now you know why I like having an oxy in my family:)
Bitaw, I love my name so much!!hehe

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