Nav Involvement (cont'n)

5. I describe my involvement (giving or/and actual ministry) with the Navs as
a Continuous and I am staying in a ministry area (Places where there is an ongoing Nav ministry) 6 22.2%
b. Continuous even if I stay out of a ministry area 10 37.0%
c Only when I am in a ministry area, but not involve if I’m out of ministry area. 0 0.0%
d. not involve even If am within a ministry area 1 3.7%
e not involve and I am out of ministry area 7 25.9%
f I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 3 11.1%
Votes so far 27 100.0%
6. Did anyone of the Phil Nav staff, Nav contact or Nav alumni communicate to you when you went somewhere ?
a. Yes, frequently 9 36.0%
b. Yes, but rarely 9 36.0%
c. None at all, only through this egroup. 6 24.0%
d. I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 1 4.0%
Votes so far 25 100.0%
7. My present connection with the Navs is mainly because
a. I am never disconnected with the Navs 12 48.0%
b. I connected back through my personal efforts. 4 16.0%
c. a Staff take efforts to connect me back 2 8.0%
d. another alumni take effort to connect me back 5 20.0%
e I do not know how I got connected to the Navs again 2 8.0%
Votes so far 25 100.0%
8 How do you rate your present ministry involvement with the PhilNavs in terms of support and/or actual ministry work.
a 70-100% is related with the Navs 8 30.8%
b. 50-70% is related with the Navs 2 7.7%
c. 30-50% is related with the Navs 5 19.2%
d. 10-30% is related with the Navs 5 19.2%
e. 0-10% is related with the Navs 4 15.4%
f. I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 2 7.7%
Votes so far 26 100.0%
9 With your past and present involvement with the Navs, do you consider yourself as a Navigator?
a. Yes 22 84.6%
b. No 3 11.5%
c. I don’t know 0 0.0%
d I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 1 3.8%
Votes so far 26 100.0%


You can read it from the bottom up.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Where is the Statistics Here?

My dear sisters and brothers,
It was not my intention to get a single ray of limelight. Lest I'll be hit with
lightning and vanish in thin air.
Since the survey results are out to which I participated in obedience to RG's
call, I would like to manja with our boys like Venric or Rene if they would like
to put some explanation on the significance of the results.
Mga kuya, before you say something, can I make some senseless thoughts in a form
of questions please?
First, there are less than 200 members in this group and only about 20 something
participated. From the statistical point of view, does the outcome make sense? Do they
represent the whole group? In my little brain-nut as Mely puts it, if this were a project
or a thesis, I would challenge the results and make questions on the process by which the
survey was made. I'm sorry RG but why was the survey in a hurry? Some of our family
members who only open their mail twice a month will not have a chance to voice out I guess.
From a simple illustration, I cannot be represented by my hand nor my feet on this results.
Of course, you would say that I was a good representation. Of those who participated
or the whole group?
Honestly mga Kuyas, I have difficulty appreciating surveys in the christian context because
a.) When Abraham negotiated for Lot when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrha,
did God used statistic? I think God looks at individual and not trends and medians.
Or maybe yes, because everyone was evil God destroyed them.
b.) When Jesus used the parable of the lost sheep, did he not said " Will he not leave
the 99 and loook for the lost sheep, and when He finds it, he will rejoice in it"?
Where is statistics here?
c.) There are about 2 members of the group who are consistently inclined to be negative
on their responses, shall the Nav leadership brush them off because its not what the majority feels?
Of course not!, they would try to reach out to everyone.
d.) Had the christian organization not so distant past stopped sending missionaries to
Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea because they were eaten alive and that in more
than 5 years no one had been converted to christianity, would we hear a single soul being
saved today in those countries? Where is statistics?
e.) If RG will not find Amir in their search for 3 or 4 years and that their family friends will
not embrace Jesus, shall we remove our support to their endeavours because based on statistics
they have not done their jobs?
f.) I think some in the ulay division will really appreciate your comments.
I still have other thoughts but I think we all have enough in our plates.
Take your time Kuya. And thank you for giving me life in here. I might stay a little longer.
On a ligheter side, I think some ideas are brewing when Ruby shared somethin like
paid...staff, raising... and Edd also mentioned about funds,... management.. .
needy staff... Could anyone make a good business case on this? This should be a good
outcome of the survey.
Thanks Ruby and Mely. Its nice to be welcomed. And Lani, impressions does not
hold in statistics either he he he he. Sungit ano?
Daghan salamat,

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