Nav Involvement (cont'n)

5. I describe my involvement (giving or/and actual ministry) with the Navs as
a Continuous and I am staying in a ministry area (Places where there is an ongoing Nav ministry) 6 22.2%
b. Continuous even if I stay out of a ministry area 10 37.0%
c Only when I am in a ministry area, but not involve if I’m out of ministry area. 0 0.0%
d. not involve even If am within a ministry area 1 3.7%
e not involve and I am out of ministry area 7 25.9%
f I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 3 11.1%
Votes so far 27 100.0%
6. Did anyone of the Phil Nav staff, Nav contact or Nav alumni communicate to you when you went somewhere ?
a. Yes, frequently 9 36.0%
b. Yes, but rarely 9 36.0%
c. None at all, only through this egroup. 6 24.0%
d. I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 1 4.0%
Votes so far 25 100.0%
7. My present connection with the Navs is mainly because
a. I am never disconnected with the Navs 12 48.0%
b. I connected back through my personal efforts. 4 16.0%
c. a Staff take efforts to connect me back 2 8.0%
d. another alumni take effort to connect me back 5 20.0%
e I do not know how I got connected to the Navs again 2 8.0%
Votes so far 25 100.0%
8 How do you rate your present ministry involvement with the PhilNavs in terms of support and/or actual ministry work.
a 70-100% is related with the Navs 8 30.8%
b. 50-70% is related with the Navs 2 7.7%
c. 30-50% is related with the Navs 5 19.2%
d. 10-30% is related with the Navs 5 19.2%
e. 0-10% is related with the Navs 4 15.4%
f. I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 2 7.7%
Votes so far 26 100.0%
9 With your past and present involvement with the Navs, do you consider yourself as a Navigator?
a. Yes 22 84.6%
b. No 3 11.5%
c. I don’t know 0 0.0%
d I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 1 3.8%
Votes so far 26 100.0%


You can read it from the bottom up.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Summary Please

Dear to all,
I notice, that the number of respondents is quite low , I wonder if the number represent the whole, because the web is a powerful tool to connect people... the survey has a lot of stuff,
maybe to some is not appealing..just a though,
The coordinator should summarize the result including conclusion, and recommendation. that it will be very easy to respond from readers who would like to give their opinion.
Soli Dei Gloria,
K. Omar

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